Random Kindness Idea Guide
[From www.RandomActsOfKindness.org]
Suggested Guidelines:
- The recipient of your anonymous gift should not be an acquaintance or related to you.
- You should not tell anybody about what you are doing and the recipient should not know where the gift came from.
- The gift or act of kindness should ideally fulfill a person’s need, one that they cannot easily afford or arrange themselves. If your means are limited, any act of kindness will do.
Examples of Random Kindness:
- Smiling at the cashier at the grocery store.
- Returning your shopping cart.
- Collect trash on a rural road.
- Asking someone about themselves, then listening.
- Doing what you Love.
- Imagining a peaceful world.
- Being kind to animals.
- Giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
- Paying for the person behind you in a drive-thru.
- Put a quarter in a parking meter.
Partner Organizations
South Valley Human Services
(541) 482-2041
1658 Ashland St., Ashland
Ashland Food Angels
Ashland, OR
(541) 482-5330
Options for Housing, Resources, & Assistance
2350 Ashland St., Ashland, OR
(541) 631-2235
What are LAN’s Primary Programs?
Resources for Lives in Transition
The defining characteristics of LAN’s programs are anonymity, creativity, efficiency, and non-judgment. We recognize that when necessary, it is reasonable to seek temporary assistance with the basics of living. We endeavor to provide creative and unique services with quality, compassion, love, and respect.
Living Essentials Program: Boxes of living essentials are distributed by LAN volunteers to local community partner organizations. All items are brand new and include; personal care items, food staples, warm clothing, basic sundries, and children’s toys. No application, everyone is eligible.
Human Services Resource Booklet: LAN researches and publishes a “Lives in Transition” resource guide with contact information and program summaries for various regional service organizations.
Random Love in the Workplace: LAN participants are provided resources to extend ‘above and beyond’ service and kindness to their customers and co-workers in an anonymous fashion. See Random Acts Idea Guide
Personal Care Items Vending Machine: A token-operated vending machine stocked with 40 living essentials, including socks, laundry soap, feminine hygiene, dental care, first aid, personal grooming, etc.
Love Ashland Network
2305 Ashland St. #104-433
Ashland, Oregon 97520